What is a Toner? How long does it last?
This is a question we are asked regularly. After we take out your foils, you will hear us say 'Please excuse me, I'll be back in a moment...
Testimonial Love!
It is so empowering for us to receive this kind of feedback and testimonials. Knowing how people feel when they come and see us is really...
Sabúki's Winter Warmer
Most people suffer from dry, dull hair during the cooler months (as shown in top left photo). Hot showers, excessive use of heaters and...
So many products to choose from...
Every person we look after is different, it keeps our job exciting, every day different. We take the time to consult and personalize a...
Want Shiny Hair? You Can, Here's 3 Natural Ways!
We all want shiny hair! We have our fabulous Sabúki 'Shine Line' technique and the beautiful home care range you can purchase by Wella SP...
We've had the best 8 weeks!
Sabúki salon has been open for 8 weeks now, the time has flown. The say "Time flies when you're having fun"!! We are all loving it!...
Sabúki Salon's 'Shine Contour / Shine Line'
When we think about healthy hair, the first thoughts that spring to mind is SHINE and SMOOTH! The team at Sabúki Salon Sandringham have...
Sabúki Salon's beautiful colouring technique - Marble Merge
And just like that- Melbourne has turned a little chilly! The big coats come out and the warm boots go on. We are all getting ready to...
Melrose Street, Sandringham
Our little Street in Sandringham is a busy one! At one end we have the hustle and bustle of commuters to and from the train and the other...
First week done and dusted!
I couldn't have wished for a better start for Sabúki Salon! We hit the ground running Thursday morning. I was so excited and a little...